Sunday, June 2, 2013

How To Court A Filipina Woman

Filipina women are known to be one of the most beautiful women in the world bagging lots of international beauty pageant awards and winning the hearts of men with different nationalities. After all, it is home to most mixed races. You look at Filipina woman at you will see a woman who has a very rich ancestry. She can either be fully-Asian, or half Asian and half Caucasian. It doesn't matter as it all yields the same result, a beautiful woman. So how do you capture the heart of a Filipina? Follow the advises below and you might just get yourself a beautiful Filipina.
Filipina women are generally shy. This is rooted in their conservative upbringing. Unlike Western countries where being liberated is acceptable, in the Philippines, being conservative is highly encouraged. If you are going to court a Filipina woman then it's going to take a lot of time and effort. But don't worry as all hard work bears fruit and in this case, it's a Filipina woman's love.
Filipina women are not very particular with looks as they more focused on personality. It doesn't matter if you're a fellow Filipino or a foreigner. If you have the personal traits that a Filipina woman looks for then there's a big chance that you will win her heart. So what traits do Filipina women look for in men? Filipinas like men who are sincere and honest. That's why it takes longer to court a Filipina woman. The patience on the man's part determines whether he is sincere with his intentions for her or not. If you are just looking for a good time then don't bother courting a Filipina as your chances of being said yes to are very slim.
Another reason why Filipinas are very meticulous in choosing a boyfriend is because they don't like to be mistaken for being easy to get. That's why they take longer to please. Do not worry because a Filipina will tell you if you have a chance. If she allows you to continue courting her then it means that she might actually like you. If she tells you straight up that she doesn't want you to court her then don't fret. She cares enough to not let you waste your time on her. Move on and find another girl to court.
Another tip in courting a Filipina is to be consistent. Since it takes longer to court a Filipina, you should show your sincerity through your actions and not just words. Filipinas don't fall for flowery words very easily. It is shallow and it doesn't express sincerity. It has been a known tradition that one good way to court a Filipina is by visiting her in her home where you can meet her parents. This shows that you are serious enough to want to meet her family.
More ways you can show your sincerity is by being on time when planning to meet up with each other. Compliment her. Don't overdo it by telling her grandiose words. Only compliment her on something that's really special about her. Also, don't get too touchy with other girls as the Filipina woman is jealous. She is conservative so this means that she will take it seriously if you are doing something physical or intimate with somebody of the opposite sex.
All this may seem hard but if you have perseverance, it'll all be worth it in the end. Once you win the heart of a Filipina, you not only win a beautiful woman but also a woman who is loving, kind and understanding.

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